We are meant to be creative, but what creativity means to you?
Check yourself for a minute, before diving in for more in this guide I`ll walk you through.
If you think that creative people are only those who paint or create handmade, I may say this is not totally true.
Creativity means more than that.
I`ve just answered this on a group of creative women:
I believe we all are creative. I like to paint and I want to use my hands in painting more. And I use creativity in my work with others, in many other forms. For example, I found myself being so creative when I was doing my own website. And so on: when dancing, speaking, writing, cooking.
And then I have this insight I want to share with you.
Creativity appears in our lives in many forms.
Can you imagine you are creative when you speak to someone? As when you write.
The way the mind chooses to use words created great poems and novels, in the past.
Great minds were inspired to create music and wrote well partiture, we listen to in the present days.
Do you find yourself inspired, when you cook, to use your own inspiration?
Or when you dance or working on a project.
For example, I have so much fun created my own website, from scratch.
Or when you are taking a photo, only you can capture that beautiful flower or beautiful smile.
Everything that we can see around, a brilliant mind created it.
As everything we see in Nature is a creation also.
And do you know what is the best ingredient?
Playing! When you are creative you feel you are having fun and your soul feels so much joy.
Even the great Albert Einstein said:
“Creativity is intelligence having fun”.
Isn’t it, so?
For the next days, just notice yourself every time you are doing one of the above ways I listed.
Stay in the flow! Notice! Be creative!
Right now, it is the best moment to reflect upon all these. Just pause and take a break!
If you feel the need to work on your situation, just reply to this email.
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