word of the year

Word of the Year: 5 answers on how to choose and create it, at ease

We are here on a path of evolving so this way we are able to always learn something more.
So what is this word of the year? Why and how to choose it?

I used to love setting myself intentions on New Moon or goals to follow. And I also used to make resolutions on New Year – like anybody else. Yeah, the goal-setter type!

First of all, I noticed, in the past, that resolutions don`t work so well if they are not segmented into little steps.

Then I found out how connected women, especially, are to the Moon and I used to create my list of intentions on New Moon. Oh, this was a game-changer.
If done right, you can create miracles in your life, by divine will, of course. (I will explain more in another blog post, before next new moon day).
I have some years since I stopped using resolutions on New Year. And I am ok with that.
Because right in January, we have a new moon.
And what I began to do is to choose instead the word of the year.
One word I choose by using my intuitive skills. And it works.
Every time I have a good or bad moment, I remember my word and I feel empowered through that situation.

Last year, I chose one word only and it accompanied me through the year. It was the right one for me. And it was so perfect timing.
But this year … it brings another story!

The last months of the year were very interesting and brought to me a lot of surprises and encouragement on my path.

And right in the last days of the year, the first word came to me. Just of a sudden and I said to myself, this is it.
Well, no, it isn`t so.  
While seeing another word came as a pattern, I thought that maybe I can be in tune with the numerology of the year. And to choose five words, this time.
2021 is a 5 Universal Year.
Five words of power for this year!

That being said, next, let`s answer some common questions about this WOTY movement. Here we go:

1. What is the word of the year?
It can be a verb, noun, adverb, or adjective. Or even an interjection if you like. You choose.
It will be your companion throughout the year.
It will give you strength and positive meaning to your next months.

if you want to know more about the word of the year and what is the history beyond this Woty movement, you can read more here.

2. Why choose it?
Because words have power and words matter! And while you can have your goals, this empowering word can help you achieve them. It can keep you focused on your actions.
And because you can.

3. How to choose it?
Well, here I have a few suggestions.
First of all, you can see it coming. Your intuition can help you.
Or you can see it everywhere like a repeated pattern.
Or you can choose it from a list of words. I will add a list of words to make it easy for you, whenever you may read this blog post.
There is no rule. You are the creator of this game.

4. When to choose it?
If you asked me when it is the right time to set the word of the year, I`ll tell you this: there is no right time! You can do it before the year begins or even after.
The first year, I choose my first word of the year in January, so …
And this year, I choose the first three words in December, and now in January, I added the next two.

Tip: If you read this blog post on the 13th of January, and if you use setting new moon intentions, you can choose it today.
Because here we have the first New Moon from the year, in Capricorn. The internet is full of information on this topic you may check.
It marks a moment for a new beginning. Today you can begin again everything you put on hold. I feel this moment to be like rising from ashes and bringing to the surface parts of the real you. You may feel it like a moment of deep transformation.
Just let it be and reap the fruits of your long work within through past years.
So don`t overthink it! Use this moment, if you feel so, and choose your word of the year!

5. What to do next after choosing it?
Now, after you choose it, you can write it in your journal.
Or stick it on your calendar or on the fridge. bathroom mirror, somewhere near your bed or your desk.
On your computer or laptop, on your phone.
Let yourself be guided to use it exactly where it fits for you.

And you know what?
The simple fact of choosing, it will make it part of your subconscious or conscious mind, wherever you may go or whatever challenges you may have!
And you can share it with me if you wish to!

I hope this tool will help you on your path and may you choose the right word to accompany you this year!

If you want to keep in touch with me, let`s connect here:

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